How to Draw a Cartoon Ckiken Step by Step Easy

Learn how to draw braids and box braids with these 20 easy braid drawing ideas with step by step simple sketch outline, printables and coloring pages. Drawing hair can be a bit challenging even for the artists. Start with these Ways to Draw Braids and master the art of drawing hair, always a big challenge for sketchers and illustrators. However, practicing these ideas will surely make it easier to draw all sorts of hairs and braids that always make a girl's drawing look realistic.

From outlining the hair by drawing the respective guidelines to shading the hair and giving the finishing touches, you will get expert instructions and directions here for all. Explore these 20 Ways to Draw Braids and see a wide range of braid drawing ideas. You will get instructions for French braids, Dutch braids, single side and double side braids here. So, take a quick tour of all these braid drawings to find some great braid sketching ideas from beginner to advanced artist level.

20 Easy Braid Drawing Ideas - How To Draw Braids and Box Braids

However, you will learn to draw cartoon and realistic braids simultaneously, and they will help hone your skills as a cartoonist and illustrator. It will also make you feel proud to draw the most realistic girl's hair. Drawing the best hair will also be a lovely way to make your drawings stand out and distinguished in a crowd noticeably. So, by learning the three-strand, fishtail, and anime braids, you will greatly improve drawing illustrations of people. By drawing custom hairs, you can give a unique personality and style to the character you are drawing.

1. How to Draw Braid

How to Draw Braids

This braid drawing idea is an ideal consideration for girls of all ages. However, teenagers and little girls will have more fun than adults while working on this project. To improve the drawing skills, one can also choose this plan if they really want to learn how to do a braid in real life. This idea will surely help you dress your hair in the desired braid style. So, work on this braid drawing idea using a PDF, white paper, graphite pencils with different strokes, a ruler, an eraser and a sharpener. wonderstreet

2. Braid Drawing – Step By Step Instructions

Braid Drawing Step By Step Instruction

Learn how to draw the braid drawing yourself by following the step-by-step instructions and guidelines. This project is an ideal consideration for little girls and kids. They can work on it according to their sketching interests. Indeed, it is the best way to transform your kid's imaginations into reality. Moreover, this craft will also help the little crafters explore the new things in the world of drawing. If you also want to work on this fun activity, you will need white paper, a pencil, an eraser, a sharpener, a ruler and a black sharpie marker. You can also use the brown marker to color the hair. easydrawing

3. Draw Braid on a Girl

Draw Braid on a Girl

Do you want to keep your little girl engaged and active on a free day? If yes, ask her to work on this girl's braid drawing idea. Even if she is not an artist, she can still go for this project by following the Instructable guidelines and instructions. The best part is that you don't need to trace the girl's facial features while completing this sketch. So, you only need to focus on the braiding style. The needed supplies for this idea are a pencil, paper, an eraser, a black sharpie marker and a sharpener. instructables

4. Draw a Braid Step by Step Guide

Draw a Braid Step by Step Guide

Learn how to draw a simple braid by following the step-by-step instructions and guidelines. This drawing idea is for the girls. However, little boys and adults can also work on it to practice their drawing skills. Excitingly! It is super easy and complete this braid drawing because of its simplest structure. You can finish this project smoothly and efficiently within eight steps. So, start tracing the braid using drawing paper, pencil, an eraser, sharpener and a black sharpie marker. Draw a straight line down your page to start tracing the braid. iheartcraftythings

5. Easy Way to Draw a Braid

Easy Way to Draw a Braid

Are you searching for an easy and quick drawing lesson to practice your drawing skills? If yes, you will surely love and have fun working on this simple braid drawing idea. Ideally, you don't need to spend too much time and attention completing this sketch. Moreover, it also does not include unnecessary details. So, kids can also go for it fun-lovingly and creatively. You will need to complete this fun activity, including drawing paper, pencil, black marker, an eraser, sharpener and a ruler. You can also use the watercolors with paintbrushes to color in this drawing. thedrawing

6. DIY Braids Drawing in 14 Steps

Baids Drawing in 14 Steps

Learn how to draw the braid yourself in the easy 16 steps. Even if you are a beginner-level artist, you can still work on this drawing project by following the step-by-step instructions and guidelines. Well, this project is not only for the kids and girls. But others also work on it according to their sketching interests. Using your iPad, you can also draw this braid on an online drawing platform. The things you will need to sketch the braid on the paper include a drawing pencil, black sharpie marker, drawing paper, an eraser and a ruler. wastedtalent

7. Easy Way to Draw a Braid

Easy Way to Draw a Braid

Are you wondering about how to draw a braid on drawing paper? You can get the complete guidelines and instructions to draw a braid like a pro with this drawing idea. This drawing idea is not only for the kids. Adults can also work on it to practice their skills and spend some quality time. Excitingly! it would be easier for you to work on any braid pattern once you have drawn the simple one. So, start this drawing project using white paper, pencil, colored pencils if you want to color, an eraser, sharpener and a ruler. paintingcreativity

8. How To Draw Braids On A Head

How To Draw Braids On A Head

Undoubtedly, drawing hair, especially girl hair with hairstyle, is not easy. Don't worry; you can still consider a braid drawing project to improve your skills with the help of this drawing idea. Initially, it will take time and effort to get your hand on this braid drawing. The best part is that there are unlimited ways to sketch the hair on the head. So, you can do it according to your skills level and creativity. You will need to work on this fun activity, including drawing paper, a pencil, an eraser, sharpener, ruler and colored pencils. merviemilia

9. Easy Braid Drawing

Easy Braid Drawing

No doubt, braids are a traditional way to style hair. If you also like braiding your hair, you will surely have fun drawing a hair braid on your drawing book. Brading is the best way to save your hair from breakage and getting dirty earlier than normal. Anyhow, this drawing project is not only for the kids. But teenage girls and others can also consider working on it according to their sketching interests and love for the braid. For this fun activity, the needed supplies and materials are drawing paper, graphite pencil, an eraser, sharpener and a ruler. nil tech

10. Draw a Side Braid

Draw a Side Braid

If you want to practice your drawing skills and learn the new drawing techniques, consider working on this side braid drawing idea. This braid drawing idea also includes the girl's face. So, you can follow the step-by-step instructions and guidelines to complete this project exactly. If you are a beginner-level artist, you can also trace the girl's face without any facial parts and expression for ease of work. Using a graphite pencil with a light stroke, you can trace the braid's base on the girl's shoulder. The needed supplies for this drawing project are white paper, a pencil, a black pointer or marker, a ruler, an eraser and a sharpener. brit co

11. Easy Drawing of Braids

Easy Drawing of Braids

With this drawing idea, learn how to draw a girl with multiple braids on your drawing books. The purpose of this project is to improve your braid drawing skills. So, you can also sketch the braid even without including the girl's character for ease of work. If you are an adult crafter, make sure not to miss even a single detail to make this drawing a little bit more fascinating for the viewers. Using a graphite pencil, you can start tracing the braid with three simple and straight lines on your drawing paper. medibangpaint

12. How to Draw Hair Braided

How to Draw Hair Braided

Do you want to learn how to draw the braid yourself? You can get the instructions and guidelines to complete this drawing from this drawing lesson. Excitingly! It is super-easy to work on this project in six basic steps. The best part is that this plan also includes illustrative images to show you the complete braiding procedure. Not only to draw, but you can also learn how to braid your hair after considering this fun activity. To complete this sketch, you will need to include drawing paper, a pencil, a black marker, an eraser, a sharpener, and a ruler. easydrawingart

13. Hair Braid Drawing for Beginners

Hair Braid Drawing for Beginners

Are you a beginner-level artist and looking for an easy drawing lesson? If yes, this simple and quick braid drawing idea is surely for you. Ideally, kids can also work on this project efficiently by considering the step-by-step guidelines and instructions. You will be surprised to know that you can make this stylish braid on your drawing paper with simple v shapes in different sizes. The needed supplies to work on this drawing idea are paper, a pencil, colored pencils to color in the braid, an eraser, a sharpener and a ruler. lessdraw

14. DIY Braid Drawing

DIY Braid Drawing

Learn how to draw a beautiful braid on your drawing paper by following the instructions and guidelines. This drawing idea is an ideal consideration for girls of all ages. However, little girls and kids will have more fun than adults while working on this idea. Indeed, this project is the perfect activity for kids and beginner-level artists. Excitingly! Braids are not only for the girls. But boys also love to braid their hair in some regions, especially Egypt. If you also want to work on this idea, you will need a pencil, paper, an eraser and a sharpener. easydrawing

15. How to Draw French Braid

How to Draw French Braid

It might look difficult and tricky for beginners to draw the French braid. But they can surely give themselves a try by working on this French braid drawing idea. This plan will assist you with each drawing step. So, you can complete the sketch like a pro without any difficulty. Not only to draw the French braid, but you can also choose this lesson to learn to draw the tail and fish braid in a fun-loving way. The drawing supplies to complete this fun activity are drawing paper, pencil, colored pencils, an eraser, sharpener and a ruler. mymodernmet

16. How to Draw Dutch Braids

How to Draw Dutch Braids

Do you want to learn how to draw the Dutch's braid? If yes, this video tutorial is for you! Excitingly! This plan includes all step-by-step instructions and guidelines to help beginners. The best part is that little girls and kids can also work on this drawing lesson according to their interests and love for the braid. Undoubtedly, girls are more obsessed and attracted to braid drawings than others. If you are also one of them, consider this plan for a complete drawing lesson. The needed supplies for this craft are paper, a pencil, an eraser and a sharpener.

17. Easy Way to Draw Braid Hair

 Draw Braid Hair

Learn how to draw the braided hair yourself by following the step-by-step instructions. Excitingly! After working on this drawing lesson, you can also learn how to braid your hair in different styles. If you are a beginner, you can also watch the tutorial for further consideration. Once you have decided to draw the braided hair, you will require drawing paper, pencil, colored pencils to color in the hair, an eraser, sharpener and a ruler. Not only to draw a simple braid, but you can also trace any braid with this sketch example.

18. Draw French Braids Of a Girl

Draw French Braids Of a Girl

With this drawing lesson, draw an adorable and beautiful French braid on a girl's hair yourself. Excitingly! Kids and beginners can also draw the braid with the help of this plan. They can also watch the tutorial to get the step-by-step instructions and guidelines. Make sure to focus on each hair layer to make this braid more attractive for the viewers. Indeed, it is ideal for showcasing your drawing skills to all. The needed drawing supplies for this fun activity are drawing paper, colored pencils, graphite pencils with different strokes, an eraser, sharpener and a ruler.

19. Braid Picture to Draw

Braid Picture to Draw

Consider this braid picture to draw to improve your drawing skills. This drawing idea is not only for the kids. Adults and teenage girls can also consider it according to their sketching interests and love for the braids. You can make this braid drawing a little bit more attractive with the help of some wavy hair out of the braid. If you are a beginner artist, you can watch the tutorial for further consideration and assistance. The drawing supplies for this plan are drawing paper, pencil, colored pencils, an eraser, sharpener, ruler and a braid hair drawing PDF file.

20. Easy DIY Braids Drawing

Easy DIY Braids Drawing

Are you searching for an easy draw a beautiful hair braid on a cute little girl's head? If yes, you can surely consider this adorable hair braid drawing idea. Undoubtedly, kids will have more fun than adults while working on this plan. Not only to draw the simple hair braid, but you can also choose this idea to draw the braid in different styles according to your creativity level. For this fun-loving drawing project, the needed supplies are drawing paper, pencil, colored pencils to color the hair, an eraser, sharpener and a ruler.


20 Easy Braid Drawing Ideas - How To Draw Braids and Box Braids

The purpose of these drawing tutorials is to make you an expert in drawing all sorts of hair braids that will surely create the style and personality of your girl drawing illustrations. These ideas will provide step-by-step tutorials about drawing single, double, French, Dutch, fishtail and anime braids like a pro. You will get comprehensive guides from outlining the braids to adding hair strands to shading them for a realistic appeal. You will also get here some reference photos to get started with, and you should try these ideas to become an expert artist if you are currently at a beginner level.


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